Mandora House, Louise Margaret Road, Aldershot GU11 2PW
We can digitise all manner of documents including:
Scanning might sound straight forward, but it isn't! The documents have to be prepared prior to scanning, for instance they have to be facing the right way and all staples need to be removed. During scanning some document and text quality may not be good enough to allow automated OCR routines to index and label the scanned documents and manual intervention is required to complete a batch of scanning. Our experienced team take the complexities of scanning in their stride to deliver you with fast efficient service every time.
You may have invested in an in-house system for ongoing volumes and it might seem logical to plough through the backlog of hard-copy yourself: just hire additional scanners and take on some temps - HOW DIFFICULT CAN IT BE?
This is the nightmare scenario: you train your temps and they just start to be productive then one leaves, as temps are wont to do, and the learning process has to be repeated . . . then again and again and etc. Keeping control of the catch-up project takes the management eye off the on-going ball, which then falls into arrears, creating a secondary backlog. Eventually you have spent more than it would have cost for Merlin to clear the job for you, and you have a bigger backlog than when you started.
Simply taking a paper file, scanning it and loading it onto CD will save space, but will be of no help in finding documents - it is the outmoded idea that document management is no more than electronic microfilming. Unlike many of our competitors who were grounded in microfilm techniques, we have a business consultancy background which starts from the point that the objective is to get the right information to the right person in the minimum of time, even if they do not know exactly what they are looking for. This requires planning, organisation and a well thought-out indexing structure and it is in this area particularly that Merlin distinguishes itself from its rivals.
Our prices are competitive and if you contract with us for regular scanning work or the one-off project that involves large numbers of documents then we are happy to negotiate a really advantageous deal. But don't decide on price alone - quality and service are important, and on these we will not be beaten.